Camfferman Family

My Photo
Location: Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Burnaby Lake trail in the fall Posted by Hello

Phil & Monica under the apple tree Posted by Hello

Daniel & his Oma Posted by Hello

News from Vancouver

It's been a quiet week in Vancouver, my hometown on the edge of the ocean. The good weather finally arrived. The rain just disappeared one evening and suddenly the next day it was summer with trees and flowers blooming, soft winds blowing in from the Pacific. It's almost scarey, the way it changed so suddenly. Around here people try not to say too much about it or gloat about it to people who live in less hospitable climes for fear that God will send back the other weather just to punish us for being too proud. So we just quietly acknowledge that the weather sure is nice and that we hope it'll stay that way for a while, but we're careful not to make too big a thing about it, just in case.....
Philip had his birthday on the 21st. He turned 21. He got a couple of days off work and spent them over at his brother Chris's place where they had a BBQ and just generally celebrated it with his brothers and friends. Mom and Dad didn't mind as they didn't have to make the usual meal for him. They can't do it the way the brothers and friends can. Phil's a quiet lad. He doesn't say much around his parents, in fact, unless you looked in his room you'd hardly know he was there. He prefers to answer questions with a yes or no and that's about it. It's up to you to figure the rest out on your own. In that way he's rather like his mom. She'd be just as happy if she didn't even have to say yes or no - just a nod or a shake of the head once a day would be pushing it. Makes it kind of hard on Dad as he likes lots of heart to heart conversations. But he can't find anyone to do that with now that the other two boys have moved out. So often you'll find him just talking to himself in his study or communing with the apple tree in front of the house. Sometimes a whole day can go by where nothing much is said, but, you know everyone seems to understand that that's how the Camffermans communicate. After all, when the son of Dutch immigrants marries the daughter of native Indians, communication has to happen on a whole different plane. That combination and the offspring produced just hasn't happened that often so there isn't a lot of previous history to emulate. For the most part they're breaking new ground and hopefully future generations will have more to draw from.
Brother Daniel is staying at brother Chris's as well for a while. He's in between jobs. So it seems that the three boys are back together again for a while. His Dad worries a lot about him wondering if and when he'll find his calling in life. Dad seems to have forgotten that it took him a long time to find the answer to life's persistent questions. In fact at age 53 he's still not sure about a lot of things.
Brenda is finding that she has to do a lot of talking at work. Her job requires that she speak about the study she's involved in to groups of people. Verbal communication is not her strong suit. Perhaps God put her there to develop her communication skills. He might have noticed that her husband was getting rather quiet and decided that his help meet should learn how to communicate before he stops speaking altogether. It's funny how that happens. One half of the couple is talking less and less and the other half more and more. So the total output of conversation stays about the same. Perhaps that's the way it's meant to be. The head of the study is a young doctor named Scott. He's also a rather quiet person. He doesn't like to be addressed as Doctor as he finds it rather pretentious. Or perhaps he prefers to follow the words of our Lord who said, Call no man Rabbi, for one is your teacher, God. After all Doctor does mean Teacher in Latin. The medical profession would do well to follow his example.
Julia is out of the hospital and staying with friends while she recuperates from her operation. She was in very good spirits after the operation. Although she lost an organ or two (we're not sure which ones as she declines to tell anyone the details) she hasn't lost a step and is already planning her comeback to society as well as a trip to Holland some time this summer. So, whatever organ was lost it certainly wasn't one that would interfere with her mobility.
That's the news this week from Vancouver where people are mostly good looking and the children are mostly average or above

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Brenda dressed in appropriate clothing and carrying an umbrella as well as a plastic bag to pick up Meena's presents. Here she's coming back from taking Meena out for a walk in the rain. Posted by Hello

Julia in the hospital 2 Posted by Hello

Julia in the hospital Posted by Hello

News from Vancouver

It's been a quiet week in Vancouver, my hometown on the edge of the ocean. It's been raining a lot here but we Vancouverites are a stoic lot. We accept whatever comes to us with equanimity, believing that if we just wait a while the sun will come out. Sometimes it comes within a day or two and sometimes it takes a week or more, but we comfort ourselves with the thought that at least we won't be running out of water for quite a while. We have convinced ourselves that there is no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing, so we put our rain gear and go on with life as if 40 days and nites of downpour are just part of the excitement of living in the world's second most beautiful city. If that doesn't work we remind ourselves that waiting for the beautiful sunny days just makes them all that much more beautiful. If that doesn't work we comfort ourselves with the thought that at least we don't have snow like Toronto or smog like LA, and rain really does leave the air fresh and clean, so what's a little rain now and then?

Sister Julia went into the hospital last week. She had lost a lot of blood and had to have a few transfusions. Being a very God-fearing person she couldn't understand why this had to happen to her of all people so she was quite upset at first. On Thursday she was operated on and by Sunday she was recovering and happy to be over the trauma. You can see her picture and a short video of her and her roomies, a rather interesting group of ladies who seem to have hit it off together rather well considering where they were. She'll be leaving the hospital soon and staying with friends while she recuperates.

Mother Camfferman continues to sail along at the homestead. She had the entrance across the ditch to her yard widened as it was falling apart and the children were afraid she might miss aim and end driving in the ditch. After all when you're 87 1/2 years old it's not so easy to stay on the road as it used to be.

All the other Camfferman's seem to be doing alright. No news is good news and if there's nothing new to tell why bother people? After all they know where we are and know they can call any time if they need to know anything. That's the news from this part of the world where all the people are good looking and the children are mostly above average.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

View of skyline and Golden Ears mountains from northeast side of Burnaby Lake Posted by Hello

Lombardy poplars in the fall, Burnaby Lake Posted by Hello

Daniel, Leigh Jane, Mom, Me, Philip, Brenda, Frances, George, Annalies and Chris with Meena the dopey dog Posted by Hello

Still working on figuring this out

I'm trying to figure out how to include a picture of my family in the header. If anyone knows how please let me know. The weather here has been mostly cloudy and/ or rain with some sun for the past three months. It's still cold out even though the flowers and trees have been blooming for over a month. Here's a few pictures for you to enjoy. God bless us all. Dean

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Daniel's birthday 12-29-04 Posted by Hello

Here we start

Today is Tuesday, April 12, 2005. I'm just getting this little project started. I'll let you know how to publish to this site soon. Dean